Placing interactive content too far away from your target image can make the system’s image recognition feature unstable. This is easily fixed by moving your content closer to the centre of the image itself.
If you’re creating content using a similar brand image, such as a flyer, a T-shirt design, or a graphic element that you’ve used in multiple CASTs, sometimes the system interprets them as populated preventing you from uploading similar images. Simply try uploading a change in layout or cropping the image differently or try using a new one. If you need an older cast removed go back to that cast and select delete from the VIEW CAST properties menu.
You never want to clutter your ad or marketing campaign with too much content; that could overwhelm your audience and lead to them losing interest fast. But in theory, you can add as many as you’d like!
To ensure your end-user experience is the best it can be referred to the Data Information box located at the bottom lefthand corner of the studio. Green means it will work. Yellow means it's good but may be slow to load. Red means it may load extremely slow or not at all.
Some combinations of text-heavy images with solid backgrounds like white or other colours in a full bleed fashion are not ideal. Computer Vision in many ways is like a child - it is still learning and has trouble with certain things like knowing which way is up or where things should end. Avoid TEXT heavy designs.
Solid edge-to-edge colours can cause the system to not understand where the images ends to properly lock the augments on. If a solid colour(s) must be used we recommend putting a border in if possible. If there are a lot of text elements the score could be high - but the system has trouble as it does not fully understand.
Natural Feature Tracking - which is what is being used with WorldCAST works best with photos/textured patterns/contrast/non-symmetrical designs.
If you are running into any of these issues, if possible, add textures to the background and add more anchor points with "graphic" elements.
To change your target image, simply click the CAST PROPERTIES button on the right-hand side of the PrintCAST Studio. Upload new file and select UPDATE to save your changes. Your old image will be deleted from the system immediately.
The studio currently accepts videos sized to a maximum of 100MB. If your video is larger than the max upload size, try going back to your editing suite and compressing it to a suitable size.
In terms of resolution, 360p is preferred, but the studio will accept 480p, 720p, and 1080p.
To get the best from the platform greenscreen videos must have a properly lit green screen.
Hotspots, wrinkles, and shadows can cause undesired effects.
WorldCAST is a 3D program running in a browser - and as much as we would love to add every feature - we can't add video chroma tools in the same fashion that editors such as Adobe After Effects offer... that being said if you are having issues you can use video editing software to replace your original green screen with a solid bright green. This will give you the best result.
Yes. You can instruct your audience to open via a link or one main portal QR code to SCAN IMAGE allowing them to scan page after page. No need for multiple QR codes.
As for multiple targets within on scene/CAST - while it is possible and other systems do have it... what they don't mention is it causes a lot of memory overhead and won't work on all devices depending on many things... mostly the browser.
We simply can't offer something that we know has a high probability of failure at scale, however, we are working on something that could change this!